Day 14 of the Apex Adventurer Tournament – The Vote

The sun was beginning to set as the Pühl Party readied for the hike to the Assembly Hall. Ajax picked up his Urn after affixing the Shield of Protection to his back. He started to walk toward the Assembly Hall and the other Adventurers followed behind him.

As the Adventurers entered the Assembly Hall and made their way to their seats, they saw Geoff already sitting in his chair with a big smile on his face. “Welcome to another Party Assembly Pühl Party, wow, down to just six!”

The Adventurers took their seats, many nodded and others flashed a subdued smirk in response to Geoff’s welcome.

“Wow, was expecting a little more of an excited response. We are at Day 14, closing in on the end of the Tournament. Before we get into it, I will remind everyone that just like the last Vote, the Champions Arena and the Forsaken Arena are in play. OK, let’s get to it! Last time we were all together for Party Assembly, everyone gave me a sense that the Camp was not united, is that still the case?”

Ana nodded, “Yes, very much so.”

Ajax added, “Even though the last vote was unanimous it is clear that everyone is still playing their own game.”

“Ajax, you won today’s Protection Contest. How do you feel?”

Ajax quickly responded, “I feel great! I feel at risk every time I go to Party Assembly, and today I felt like Austin almost had me beat at the end of the Contest so I am glad to have come out the winner with immunity tonight.”

As Ajax finished his response Austin chimed in, “You know, Ajax is quite a threat in this game in terms of the physical Contests, since he can just turn into a giant spider or a bear whenever he feels like it. I, however, am not a bear.

Ana and Ixora both added on, “I am also not a bear.”

Ajax thought for a moment before responding, “While I know my abilities are putting a target on my back, I feel like I am in a situation where I have to win every time to stay in this game.”

“So, changing gears, this is kind of interesting… Vikky, you were knocked out early in today’s Contest. Why do you think this was the case?”

Vikky said, “Well, first I would like to congratulate Ajax for his win today, he didn’t even have to turn into a bear to do it, so congrats. I am figuring others see me as a physical threat in this game, I have always been a very capable hunter and adventurer. Today I was just struggling to get over that obstacle.”

“So, who here feels vulnerable tonight.”

Everyone, except Ajax, raised their hand.

All the Adventurers look at each other and Ixora commented, “Not shocking.”

“Do we feel like a Godsend might be in play tonight?”

Ixora said, “You never know… that’s sort of how that works.”

Ana shook her head no.

Austin Bob said, “Everyone here has a plan. If we all follow through with that plan we are not going home. Stick to the plan.”

“Obviously not everyone can be in the ‘we’ you are describing.”

Austin Bob nodded his head.

“Alright, with that, let’s get to the vote.”

One by one, the Pühl Party members went to cast their votes and returned to their seats.

Geoff retrieved the Votes as the Adventurers looked on. “OK, the votes have been cast, if you have a Godsend you would like to play, this is the time to do so.” After a brief pause, Geoff nodded his head and said, “I will tally the….”

Austin Bob quickly stands up, “You know, Geoff, I wouldn’t be able to forgive myself if I went home without playing this.” Austin then slowly walked over to Geoff and handed him a silver amulet adorned with a blue gemstone. Geoff took the amulet from him and examined it in the torch light.

A Godsend from Elekpasha, Spirit God of Cold
A Godsend from Elekpasha, Spirit God of Cold

“This… is a Godsend. It is a Godsend from Elekpasha, the Spirit God of Cold. It could be used to curse another Adventurer to make them feel ice cold and may be used for Protection from the Vote. Votes cast against Austin will not count.”

Ajax shouted, “You are the reason I have frostbitten hands!”

Austin walked back to his seat while saying, “I have helped you in the past and I felt I needed to do that to help me win this game, I hope you understand.”

Geoff continued, if there are no other Godsends or Advantages to be played, I will tally the votes.”

He pulled the first Vote from the box and read aloud:


Geoff pulled a second Vote and read it aloud:


Geoff then pulled several Votes in a row:



“We are at two votes Ixora and two votes Vikky.”


“This is the final vote. If we have a tie Ixora and Vikky will be required to do combat in the Champions Arena.”

He pulled the final vote and read:


“Ixora… four votes are enough, please bring me your Urn.”

Ixora sighed and retrieved her Urn, slowly bringing it to Geoff. “Ixora, the die has been cast. Your adventure ends here.” Geoff then shattered the Urn with a swift blow.

”As you know, you have an opportunity to regain your spot in this Tournament. Would you like to fight in the Forsaken Arena, risking your spot on the Council of Judgement, for a chance to reenter this game?”

Ixora thought for a moment before agreeing to fight in the Forsaken Arena.

“Alright, Ixora you made the decision to fight in the Forsaken Arena for a chance to stay in this game. That fight will be taking place right now.”

The other Adventurers looked at one another with a mix of emotions, the memory of HOBO’s encounter still fresh in their minds. Austin Bob quickly jumped to his feet, the others following suit right before they all experienced a dizzying flash and found themselves in a now familiar cave.

The Adventurers looked down into the Arena where they saw Ixora and Geoff. After a moment, Geoff disappeared and in his place was the same twelve-foot-tall elemental sprite which fought HOBO. It stood before Ixora, a tall, organized mass of cracked boulders interconnected by long, weaving, thorny vines. A number of the vines were brown in color as opposed to the vibrant green Ixora remembered from watching HOBO’s combat.

Ixora acted immediately, taking the initiative in this combat and lunging forward with a dagger in each hand. The first twenty seconds of the combat entailed Ixora slashing at the vines on the elemental’s legs while dodging its attacks. After her sixth strike, she was able to cut through a large vine and saw a boulder from the creature’s hip fall to the ground.

The elemental responded by raising its arms high in the air and slamming them down on Ixora, who was flung backward forcefully. She staggered to her feet and realized she was bleeding badly from a large gash on her left thigh. She ran forward, limping slightly, and jumped up as she approached the elemental to stab a dagger into a large crack in a boulder on the creature’s torso. Using that dagger and momentum she pulled herself up and attempted to stab her other dagger into another cracked boulder… until she realized she was unable to lift her left arm. She screamed in anguish as she let go and dropped to the ground.

An ornate dagger Ixora keeps at her right ankle, she never speaks of the dagger, but it clearly is important to her
An ornate dagger Ixora keeps at her right ankle, she never speaks of the dagger, but it clearly is important to her

Ixora backed away slightly as she pulled out a small red potion and drank it, hanging back until she was ready to resume the fight. The gash on her leg rapidly scabbed over and her left shoulder popped back into place as the potion’s magic took effect. After a deep breath Ixora drew two shortswords and charged forward. The elemental lumbered toward her and whipped a leg in Ixora’s direction, striking her in the sternum and sending her flying back several feet once more. Ixora rolled from her back onto her arms and coughed up a concerning amount of blood before staggering to her knees. As she stood up, she pulled her last weapon, a dagger she kept strapped to her ankle, and walked toward the creature. Ixora was no longer able to use her natural speed and agility, she was too injured. She waited for the elemental to attack and miss before making her move. As the creature regained its balance she ran forward and struck at the cracked boulder she assaulted before, this time she causing the boulder to break in half. The elemental lurched to the side as fragments of stone fell to the ground, then the creature toppled over.

The Adventurers cheered loudly as they realized Ixora had won. The body of the elemental magically disappeared as Ixora sat on the ground and looked up at the Adventurers with a bloody smile.

Geoff appeared beside Ixora, “Alright everyone, join me in congratulating Ixora for her victory in the Forsaken Arena!”

The Pühl Party cheered loudly, wishing they could be on the Arena floor to rally around their friend.

Geoff continued, “Ixora because you won you will be partially rejuvenated and receive one or more Prizes upon returning to Camp. Additionally, since you were victorious, your Urn will be restored and become immune to the Vote during this Party Assembly which we will complete right now.”

As Geoff finished speaking, he and the Pühl Party teleported back to the Assembly Hall.

Back in the Assembly Hall Ixora, badly injured, stood before Geoff. She continued to bleed heavily, the small pool of blood at her feet mixing with the water from her shattered Urn.

The other Adventurers nervously took their seats. All were clearly thinking about who they would vote for now that Ixora had won her right to remain in the game.

Geoff waited until everyone was settled in their seat before speaking, “Alright… before we get back to the Vote we have a few important things to take care of. Firstly…”

Geoff handed Ixora a small vial which contained a dark purple liquid. Ixora immediately uncorked the vial and drank its contents. Within moments her wounds closed, her frame jolted in different directions as bones popped back into the proper positions and the color returned to her face.

Ixora began to laugh, stretching her jaw oddly, “I think… hey, yeah! This potion made my wisdom teeth grow back. What did you give me Geoff?!”

Geoff chuckled, “We promised that you would be healed. Next…”

Geoff stepped away from Ixora to retrieve a gnarled wooden staff that was leaning on a nearby wall. He tapped the base of the staff into the pool of bloodied water between them and the pieces of ceramic began to shimmer a golden color and vibrate, slowly floating in the air. Ixora’s Urn began to reassemble itself, the shimmering pieces pressing together, the seams and cracks between the pieces beginning to glow even brighter. The Urn floated toward Ixora, and as she reached out and grabbed it the magical light faded, revealing an intact Urn where the fragments were held together by a thin layer of gold.

“One last thing before we get on with another Vote.”

Geoff handed Ixora a wooden box, “Hold onto this, you can open it back at Camp.”

Ixora nodded, putting the shoebox sized container into her backpack before heading to her seat.

“Alright, the way this will work is that any Protected status from the previous Vote will remain in place and Ixora is also safe from the Vote for winning in the Forsaken Arena. This means that Ajax, Austin Bob and Ixora are now all safe from the Vote. You will have a few minutes to discuss before we get to the vote and as always, Advantages may be played and the Champions and Forsaken Arenas are both in play.  Since Ixora defeated the elemental in the Forsaken Arena, a new creature has taken its place and is ready to battle anyone who chooses to fight for their right to stay in the game. Does everyone understand?”

The Adventurers all nodded.

The entire group was silent for several seconds before Ana said, “Honestly, I am ready to vote, can we just get to the Vote?”

Ajax’s eyes widened, “Well I am glad I’m safe, uh… is everyone already ready? I was hoping to deliberate a little bit.”

Ikswobel stood up with a smile on his face. “Geoff, I think this might change the way people are thinking about their vote…” Ikswobel proudly walked over to Geoff and handed him a small, wooden medallion. “I am playing this against Austin Bob to take away his Protection from the Vote.”

A Protection Neutralizer, a powerful Advantage if used appropriately
A Protection Neutralizer, a powerful Advantage if used appropriately

Ikswobel looked at Austin Bob who was glaring back at him, “We have just been butting heads more and more lately and I don’t think keeping you around is good for me.”

Geoff held up the wooden medallion for everyone to see, “This… is a Protection Neutralizer and has been played against Austin Bob, who is now no longer Protected from the Vote.”

As Ikswobel walked back to his seat, he whispered something into Ajax’s ear.

“Oh yeah!?” Austin Bob barked at Ikswobel before quickly walking to Ana and Vikky.

For the next minute the Adventurers were whispering their thoughts to one another, moving back and forth between groups and glancing around while Geoff observed the chaos from the podium.

When the flurry of activity died down, the Adventurers claimed their seats and the Assembly Hall was quiet.

Geoff, with a surprised look on his face, said, “Wow, that was something. Based on the silence, are we ready to vote?”

The Adventurers nodded. “Alright, let’s get to the Vote.”

For the second time this evening, the Pühl Party members went to cast their votes and returned to their seats.

Geoff retrieved the Votes as the Adventurers looked on. “OK, the votes have been cast. If you have a Godsend you would like to play, this is the time to do so.”

After a brief pause, Geoff nodded his head and said, “I will tally the votes.”

Geoff pulled the first Vote from the box and read aloud:


Geoff pulled a second Vote and read it aloud:

Austin Bob

Geoff then pulled two more Votes:


Austin Bob

“We are at two votes for Ikswobel and two votes for Austin Bob.”

Geoff pulled the fifth vote:


“Final vote. If this is a tie Ikswobel and Austin Bob will be required to do combat in the Champions Arena.”

Geoff pulled the final vote and read:

Austin Bob

Ana, Ixora, Ajax and Vikky all shouted out of excitement as the tie vote was announced. Austin Bob and Ikswobel looked at each and gave each other a curt nod, in recognition that they are about to do combat in the Champion’s Arena for their right to stay in the Tournament.

Geoff continued “Ikswobel, Austin Bob, you both received three Votes, resulting in a tie. The rules of the Apex Adventurer Tournament state that this tie will be resolved by combat to the death in the Champion’s Arena. The victor will remain in the Tournament, the loser will be revived but not rejuvenated, have their Urn smashed and then be given the option to fight in the Forsaken Arena for a chance to remain in the Game.”

As Geoff finished explaining what would happen next the Adventurers instinctively jumped to their feet. A moment later they experienced a familiar dizzying flash. Austin Bob and Ikswobel appeared in the center of a circular arena of course gravel. Both were in awe of the Arena as they slowly gazed upward to see a massive Colosseum built of limestone and marble with accents of silver, gold and polished wood. The other Adventurers had been teleported to a viewing box near the top of the enormous Colosseum. Each Adventurer opted to stand at the railing at the very edge of the viewing box as they anxiously awaited the battle between Ikswobel and Austin Bob.

Geoff was standing at the center of the Champion’s Arena. He looked to Austin Bob, then turned to look at Ikswobel, “Alright gentlemen, the moment I disappear the combat has started. This is a combat to the death.”

Geoff took only three seconds after he finished speaking to disappear, but for all the Adventurers it felt like an eternity as they waited for the combatants to spring into action.

Austin Bob took the initiative and hoisted his heavy crossbow to eye level to fire a bolt into Ikswobel’s left shoulder. Austin then immediately dropped the crossbow to the ground, ran forward while drinking a healing potion and stood before Ikswobel while drawing a rapier. A moment later Austin Bob began to cough, as he wiped blood away from his mouth with his forearm he glared at Ikswobel.

Ikwobel smiled, then said, “that is right, the one I made for you has poison in it.” Ikswobel then took a step forward and stood his ground as he waited for Austin Bob to reach him before swinging his mace at Austin Bob’s head. His mace staggered Austin Bob to a knee with a gut-wrenching crunch.

As he stood up, Austin Bob clapped his hands together, launching a wave of energy forward with a thunderous, deafening boom. The wave of energy pushed Ikswobel backward in spite of his effort to hunker down, his heels leaving a deep trail in the gravel.

Ikswobel regained his balance and drank his own healing potion before swinging his mace at Austin Bob once again. This time he swung downward with an overhead strike that hit Austin Bob in the right shoulder, causing him to once again drop to the ground.

Austin Bob shouted in pain as he stood up, seeing his right arm dangling at his side and trying in vain to lift it. He glared at Ikswobel and pointed his rapier at him before charging forward and stabbing at his opponent’s sternum. Austin Bob struck with such strength and ferocity that his rapier ran right through Ikswobel, and the onlookers could clearly see the tip of the blade protruding through his back. Austin Bob released his grip on the rapier and staggered backward, breathing deeply as he stared at Ikswobel, the look of anger on Austin’s face softening to a blank stare.

Ikswobel slowly waved his right hand in a circle as he held his holy symbol to enhance the volume of his voice, he looked at Austin Bob and then up to the viewing gallery and said, “This has truly been the best opportunity of my life.”

Ikswobel then sat on the ground before collapsing backward.

Unlike after Ixora’s victory in the Forsaken Arena, no one cheered for Austin Bob as they sadly looked down at Ikswobel’s body.

Geoff appeared beside Austin Bob, “Alright, congratulations on your victory. You are still in this Tournament. Because you won you will be partially rejuvenated and receive one or more Prizes upon returning to Camp.”

Geoff then walked over to Ikswobel’s body, knelt down and touched Ikswobel’s holy symbol. The amulet began to glow a bright white, the glow spreading to the rest of his body. Geoff gently pulled the rapier out from Ikswobel’s chest and tossed it to the ground. The glow began to fade. Ikswobel seized on the ground for a moment before beginning to violently cough, then staggered to his feet, still bruised and bloody, but alive.

Geoff loudly announced, “Alright, let’s get back.”

In a bright flash, everyone found themselves back in the Assembly Hall.

This time it was Ikswobel who was teleported to Geoff’s podium, the rest of the Adventurers having been deposited on their seats.  They quietly looked up as Geoff said to Ikswobel, “You have been defeated in the Champion’s Arena, so you must now decide if you will accept being out of this Tournament and take your place on the Council of Judgement or if you would like to compete in the Forsaken Arena for a chance to stay.”

Ikswobel laughed before responding, “In my condition, you think I want to go fight a new opponent in the Forsaken Arena? Sorry dude. Like, man, I wish I could stay, but I know I should just go ahead and take my spot on the Council.”

Geoff nodded then said, “In that case, Ikswobel, please bring me your Urn.”

Ikswobel's Urn fragments laying on the Party Assembly Hall floor, he was really hoping to be able to take it home
Ikswobel’s Urn fragments laying on the Party Assembly Hall floor, he was really hoping to be able to take it home

Ikswobel let out a deep sigh before walking past the other Adventurers to retrieve his Urn. Making his way back to Geoff he said, “You know, man, I know this Urn represents our life in this game and stuff, but is there any chance I could take it home? I want to put it in my living room, I think it would really tie the place together.”

Geoff sternly replied, “No, unfortunately no one will be able to their Urn home with them.”

Ikswobel let out another deep sigh and held up his Urn, “Alright, let’s just get this over with then.”

Geoff lifted the ceremonial mace and said, “Ikswobel, the die has been cast. Your adventure ends here.”

Geoff then forcefully swung the mace and shattered Ikswobel’s Urn. Nearly half the water in the Urn splashed onto Ikswobel’s face. Ikswobel spit out some water, ran his hand through his wet hair to pull it back, then gave Geoff a hug before walking away.

When he was out of sight Austin Bob asked, “Hey, Geoff, so… are you going to heal me and give me my reward now or do I actually have to wait until I get back to Camp?”

Geoff responded, “Come on up, we can take care of this now.”

Austin Bob proudly walked to the podium and smirked at the Urn pieces on the ground before turning his attention to Geoff.

Geoff handed Austin Bob a small purple potion, identical to the one Ixora had received. Austin Bob immediately drank the potion, and with a loud pop his shoulder dropped back into position and his jaw began to realign, causing him to wince in pain.

Geoff stepped away to retrieve a wooden box similar to the one Ixora received. “This is a Prize you earned for your victory in the Champion’s Arena, wait until you are back at Camp to open this.”

Austin Bob grabbed the box and excitedly walked back to his seat.

Geoff waited until Austin Bob was seated before addressing the Adventurers, “Wow, another intense Party Assembly… and I have a feeling the rest will not be getting any easier as we approach the end of this Tournament. I am sure everyone is exhausted after tonight, so head back to Camp and get some rest.”

As the Adventurers walked back to Camp, they noticed another lightning storm raging in the distance.

Austin Bob chuckled out loud, “Guess Iks was wrong about it being his lucky day, huh!?”

Austin quickly realized the others either did not find his comment funny or were simply not in the mood to joke around about Ikswobel or his brutal exit from the Tournament.

The remainder of the walk back to Camp was silent and tense, and the Adventurers immediately went to their respective tents upon their arrival and went straight to sleep.

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