Day 16 of the Apex Adventurer Tournament

What Do We Have Here…

“Ugh,” Austin Bob groaned as he staggered to his feet from his bedroll. He looked down to see he had drooled a fair amount of blood onto his pillow during his sleep. “Great, that is just great.”

Austin Bob pulled off the pillow cover and made his way to the beach. “I’ll rinse off what I can and leave it out to dry during the day… oh, what do we have here… a little shark.”

He noticed a small shark swimming near shore searching for small fish to eat. Austin Bob quickly pulled his crossbow and fired it at the shark, hitting it square in the eye.

After carrying the shark back to Camp, Austin place it on a flat rock and proceeded to wake up the others.

“Hey, seriously, there better be a good reason you are waking me up,” Ixora said as she crawled out of her tent.

“Whoa, did you just catch that?!” Ana excitedly exclaimed as she pointed at the shark’s body.

Vikky walked over to Austin’s haul, “Must be about thirty pounds! This should feed us well for several meals, nice work!”

Vikky retrieved a small knife from her bag and volunteered to prepare some cuts to cook up.

Ajax and Ixora were able to quickly start a fire and cook up the day’s ration of potatoes as they waited for pieces of shark to roast. Within forty minutes the Pühl Party was feasting on the largest meal they had ever cooked at the Camp.

With a massive smile on his face Austin Bob said to the group, “Guess I am off the hook for any other chores today!”

After hearing the group’s halfhearted laughter, he added, “Kidding guys, I am glad we are all able to get a few good meals in.”

After their hardy meal, the Adventurers worked together to clean dishes, refill their water canteens and gather firewood for the day. After an hour of working around Camp, they agreed it was a good time to start relaxing and that any other chores could wait until after the Contest.

The moment Ajax sat down near the fire he noticed Geoff had appeared at the edge of their beach. “Uh, everyone, Geoff is here, look!”

The other Adventurers took notice of Geoff after Ajax’s announcement.

“Looks like the Contest might be right here, see how there are bows at the beach and platforms on the water?” Ana said.

The entire Party gathered their adventuring gear and made their way to Geoff.

Everything the Adventurers will need for the Contest, right at their beach
Everything the Adventurers will need for the Contest, right at their beach

Proudly standing next to one of the archery stations, Geoff smiled as the Adventurers gathered on the red mat roughly thirty feet away from him.

“Today, as you can see, our Protection Contest will start with an archery competition.”

Geoff turned his back to the Adventurers and picked up a bow and arrow from the station he was standing at. As he took aim at the sky a target magically appeared over the ocean, roughly fifty out and thirty feet in the air. Geoff loosed the arrow, which passed through the bullseye of the target before plummeting into the water.

Vikky called out to Geoff, “Nice shot!”

Ajax followed up her comment, “And a creative use of illusory magic too.”

Geoff returned the bow to the archery station and returned his focus to the Adventurers. “You will compete by firing arrows at a target, which will progressively become harder as it appears farther away with each round. You get two attempts during each round, if you fail to score a hit during a round, you are eliminated. Ties will be broken by additional shots at the current target until the tie is broken. The final two Adventurers remaining in the archery competition will advance to the second stage of the competition.”

Ana gestured toward two wooden platforms in the water with an exasperated sigh, “I’m guessing there is more to this than the archery?”

Geoff smirked before continuing, “The finalists will move on to another round in which they will swim out to their platform and do combat against a creature. I will keep the identity of the creature a surprise for now.”

The Adventurers in near unison shouted, “Geoff!”

After a chuckle Geoff continued, “The first Adventurer to defeat their opponent will be the winner of Contest and earn the Shield of Protection.

“Before you each head to a station, Ixora, you had purchased an advantage in this competition from a traveling merchant, please go ahead and read the advantage aloud.”

Ixora unfurled the scroll she purchased, “Weird, when I opened it earlier it was blank… I’m glad I held onto it. Thought the skeleton tricked me.”

The other Adventurers shot glances at one another.

Ixora continued, “Congratulations on earning an Advantage in the Protection Contest of Day 16 of the Apex Adventurer Tournament. During the archery portion of the Contest you are granted a “re-do.” Should you be eliminated from the archery Contest you will immediately return to the Contest, this advantage only applies to you and only for your first elimination.”

The scroll Ixora was holding turned to black smoke which quickly dissipated. Geoff then said, “Alright, everyone head to your archery stations and we can get this Contest going.”

Each adventurer walked to their station and picked up their bow and quiver of arrows.

“Alright, the first target will be 25 feet out!”

All of the Adventurers except Ajax hit the target on their first shot. They watched with excitement as Ajax made his second attempt. As his arrow went through the outer edge of the target the others did their best to hide their disappointment.

“Nice job Ajax,” Ana said.

“Alright, let’s make things a little more difficult, 50 feet out!” Geoff announced.

The targets blinked away and reappeared farther in the distance. The Adventurers once again lined up their shots, this time only Vikky, Ana and Ixora hit their targets on their first attempt. Austin Bob and Ajax took aim and both missed once again.

“Gah, come on!” Austin Bob shouted in frustration, whereas Ajax sighed heavily.

Vikky smiled and looked over towards Ixora and Ana, “Just us ladies now!”

The three women cheered.

“Nice job, let’s go for 75 feet.” Geoff said as the targets once again moved farther out. This time only Vikky hit her target on her first attempt.

On the second shot Ana was able to hit the edge of her target, but Ixora missed.

“Dang, was hoping to get further before using up my advantage.” Ixora said with a look of frustration.

“Alright Ixora, you re-do is now used and you get two more shots at your target to try to stay in this.

Ixora took a deep breath and fired her third shot this round, her arrow flew straight through the bullseye.

“Yes! Although it would have been better if that was my first shot!”

“Let’s make this even more difficult, 100 feet out!”

Vikky, Ana and Ixora took careful aim at their targets. Ana and Ixora loosed their arrows first, both missing low. Vikky waited several more seconds before releasing her arrow, a bullseye. Ixora noticed that Vikky was waiting for something before she fired, as she was not adjusting her aim at all during the prolonged wait.

Ana and Ixora took aim once more, Ana fired first and once again fell short. Ixora held her aim until she noticed a pause in the breeze pushing through her hair, at that moment she fired her arrow and clipped the edge of her target.

Don't let that adorable face trick you into thinking you are not in danger
Don’t let that adorable face trick you into thinking you are not in danger

“Well done Vikky and Ixora, you are the finalists for the archery portion of the Contest and will advance to the combat portion of the Contest. Go ahead and swim out to your platforms.”

Ixora walked over to Vikky and gave her a quick hug before heading into the water.

“Alright, give me a thumbs up when you are ready.” Geoff called out.

After both Vikky and Ixora signaled they were ready, a massive salamander jumped onto each platform. The salamanders were light pink in color, wearing scale mail armor and wield massive axes. Geoff had an excited look on his face and shouted out, “Each of you will be facing an Axe-A-Lotl!”

Both Vikky and Ixora opted to use daggers for this combat as the platforms were only twenty feet across, not leaving much room for ranged combat. Austin Bob, Ajax and Ana watched from the beach, wishing they had a better view. They could see Vikky and Ixora doing their best to dodge heavy axe swings as they waited for the right opportunities to get close to the massive salamanders and attack. For the first minute it was difficult to tell who was winning, as all four combatants were bleeding.

Ixora glanced over at Vikky’s platform for a moment, when she turned her focus back to her opponent it was too late as the Axe-A-Lotl drove its axe deep into her left thigh. Ixora cried out in pain as she collapsed onto the platform. The creature lifted its axe above its head and brought it down into Ixora’s left shoulder, knocking her unconscious.

Vikky didn’t let Ixora’s anguished shouts distract her, she continued to circle her opponent and after dodging a heavy axe swing she charged in to deliver two final strikes at its back. Vikky raised her arms and cheered in victory before noticing Ixora was collapsed on the other platform. Vikky quickly swam over to Ixora’s platform as both salamanders flashed a bright purple before disappearing.

Geoff teleported next to Ixora at the same time Vikky arrived, Geoff knelt down and placed his hand on Ixora’s. Their hands began to glow a light green, bringing her back to consciousness.  After Ixora awoke Geoff stopped healing her and disappeared to rejoin the rest of the party at the beach.

“Wow, are you ok?” Vikky asked as she helped Ixora to her feet.

“I’m alright. Is he seriously going to make us swim back?” Ixora replied, realizing they were on their own in the water.

The two casually swam back to shore and rejoined the group. “Congratulations Vikky on a dominating performance during both segments of today’s Protection Contest,” Geoff said as he handed her the Shield of Protection.

“Short trip back to Camp today, I’ll see all of you at Party Assembly tonight.” Geoff disappeared, leaving the group of five Adventurers at their beach. The Party agreed to rest at Camp for a bit before breaking apart to do some Camp chores and have strategic conversations.

As the group started to walk toward their Camp, Ixora cried out in pain as she limped forward. Ajax and Ana offered to carry her back to Camp. After some persuading Ixora relented and agreed to be carried to Camp.

“Thanks, guys. I’ll wrap up my wounds at Camp and I’ll be walking to Party Assembly on my own.” The others agreed and carefully carried Ixora to her tent.

Vikky knelt at the shore to rinse the blood off her hands, “I can’t tell if this is mine, Ixora’s or from that fish thing.”

Ajax replied, “They looked like Salamanders.”

Vikky rolled her eyes knowing Ajax couldn’t see. “Yeah, giant axe wielding salamanders or whatever.”

Austin Bob cut open several coconuts and handed one to each of the other Adventurers.

“Nice job Vikky, those things looked tough. Alright, let’s enjoy a refreshing drink, take a nap and then get on with the chaos before the Vote.”

The next hour at Camp was quiet, the Adventurers each resting and Ixora and Vikky tending to their wounds. Even though everyone was calm on the surface, the tension within the group was palpable.

Austin Bob stood up and began to gather empty canteens. “I’ll go fill these up, anyone want to stretch their legs?”

Both Vikky and Ana volunteered to help, leaving Ajax and Ixora back at Camp.

Ajax watched the trio walk out of earshot before heading over to Ixora. “Is it alright if I share my thoughts on the Vote?”

Ixora carefully sat up, “Go for it, I know I am going home anyway. They tried before and look at me, I cannot fight anything like this, I’m done.”

Ajax listened and waited several seconds after Ixora finished speaking before making a pitch, “I don’t know if you necessarily are getting voted out tonight. I need you to vote with me though for you to have a chance. Are you good with voting Austin Bob?”

Ixora laid back down, “I will vote for however you want if you think it keeps me in the Tournament.”

Ajax gently nodded his head, “Yes, I think vote for Austin Bob and tell them you are planning to vote for me.”

Ixora nodded in agreement before closing her eyes and resuming her nap.

Before filling their canteens, Austin Bob, Ana and Vikky found a shady spot to sit and discuss the upcoming vote.

Ana started the strategizing by saying, “I think we probably all agree that it has to be Ixora right? Ajax is a big Contest threat, but we crushed him today. Also, I don’t like that Ixora was able to get an Advantage and didn’t tell any of us. And there is no way she could win in the Forsaken Arena in her current state.”

Austin Bob and Vikky contemplated for a moment, but ultimately agreed with Ana’s plan. The three got up to make their way to a nearby well. As they stood up, Austin Bob asked if one of them should head back to keep an eye out on Ixora and Ajax. Both Ana and Vikky volunteered to head back.

“Uh, Vikky, do you want to head back? You won today, you earned a break from some chores,” Austin Bob said.

Vikky head back towards the Camp as Austin Bob and Ana continued on. “OK, this has been a long time coming, but we have been working together from when you found your Godsend at the beginning of this Tournament,” Austin Bob said to Ana.

“Uh, yeah, what did you have in mind. You don’t think we should get Ixora?”

Austin Bob replied, “We can, but I think this is a good time to Ajax. We could probably get Ixora to vote with us just so she stays in the game. And by leaving Vikky out of the plan it should be easy to get her next and make it harder for the Council of Judgment to award her the victory if she does make it to the end by winning Protection the rest of the way.”

Ana was surprised to hear Austin Bob’s plan. “Are you absolutely sure you want to betray Vikky?”

Austin Bob nodded, “I like Vikky a lot, but you and I have been working together from the beginning, there aren’t many of us left and I am playing to set us up so that one of us wins.”

Ana thought about the plan as they filled up the canteens. “Ok, let’s do it. It sets us up to have us and Ixora when we get to three and that sounds good to me.”

Ajax saw Vikky approaching in the distance, he loudly called out, “Hey Vikky, welcome back, where are the others?!”

Vikky sat down next to Ajax, “Hey, they are still getting the water. I decided to head back and check on how you and Ixora were doing.”

Ajax looked back at the tent then whispered to Vikky, “She is feeling pretty bad, between the severe injuries and thinking she is likely going home.”

Vikky slowly nodded, “Are you good with that? Her going home?”

Ajax silently nodded. Vikky stood up, brushed the sand off her pants and walked into the Ixora’s tent to keep her company.

Several minutes later Ana and Austin Bob returned to Camp and handed out canteens of cool water. The Adventurers spent the next hour resting in the shade. Austin Bob walked over to Ixora’s tent and offered to take over keeping Ixora company.

Ixora sat up as Austin Bob sat down next to her. Austin Bob whispered, “Hey, I am guessing you are concerned it is you, just letting you know we are going to go for Ajax… he wins Protection a lot, but didn’t today. I have enough votes pulled together for this, figured you would want to be on the right side of the vote.”

Ixora began to massage her forehead, “I am getting a headache, not sure if it is this game or the significant blood loss, ugh. OK, I am good with that, time for Ajax to go.”

The winds picked up as the sun began to set, the Adventurers gathered their Urns and started to slowly make their way to Party Assembly. Ixora’s fresh bandages began to stain red with her blood as she struggled forward while carrying her Urn.

As the Adventurers entered the Assembly Hall the members of the Council of Judgment were shocked to see how badly injured Ixora was as she staggered to her seat. Once everyone was seated Geoff addressed the group.

“I am both shocked and impressed Ixora, that you walked into Party Assembly without any assistance and carried your own Urn too. What a testament to the how each of you are such deserving contenders for the title of Apex Adventurer.”

Ixora smiled at the compliment, “Yeah, you still could have healed me up a bit more Geoff.”

Geoff chuckled before responding, “As you all know, this Tournament is designed to push you to your limits and unfortunately for you Ixora, the rules clearly state that all I could do for you today was to stabilize you and bring you back to consciousness.”

Ixora nodded, “Yeah, I was really hurting at first, but as I laid in my tent for a few hours I realized that is what I signed up for.”

”Alright, Pühl Party, let’s get into it! Since we are on the topic, Ixora let’s start with how the Protection Contest went for you.”

Ixora put her head in her hands, “Ugh, it started off pretty well. The Contest had two stages, Vikky, Ana and I dominated the first part, which was an archery competition. I had used an advantage I purchased to get a “re-do” during that first part which helped me advance to the second stage. Vikky crushed it and earned the other spot, because, you know, it was an archery competition and it is Vikky. The second stage went less well for me, got my butt kicked by a giant sea creature thing, what did you call it Geoff?”

“An Axe-A-Lotl.”

Ixora continued, “Yeah, those things are no joke, but Vikky was able to defeat hers and that is why she has the Shield tonight.”

Geoff looked to Vikky, “Anything you would like to add?”

Vikky shook her head no, “Ixora pretty much covered it. I will say I was concerned when I saw Ixora laying unconscious on the platform and am genuinely inspired by how she walked here and carried her own Urn in spite of her injuries.

Geoff nodded, “Yes, definitely impressive.”

Geoff then asked the group, “How are things at Camp? We are down to five, how is that affecting things?”

Austin Bob quickly replied, “You know Geoff, having fewer people around means we each have a little more work to do around Camp. It is also quieter, which makes the days go by a lot slower. I think we are managing well though, for example this morning I caught a massive shark which we were able to get a couple meals out of!”

Geoff’s jaw dropped, “You caught a shark?”

Vikky quickly jumped into the conversation, “Geoff, it was a small shark, like really small. But, it was enough for the five of us to have a hearty breakfast. We appreciated it.”

Austin Bob stared at Vikky for a couple seconds before turning back toward Geoff, “Yeah, extra food is extra food. Made for a nice meal, whoever gets voted out next will probably appreciate that they had quite the meal on the way out.”

Vikky stopped herself from responding for a moment before saying, “Austin, this topic is getting old, let’s talk about something other than catching a shark. Everyone has been helping around Camp.”

Geoff smiled as he looked back and forth between Austin Bob and Vikky.

After a few seconds of silence, Ajax said, “Camp was pretty quiet today after the Contest. I think tensions in the group are pretty high considering how few of us there are, probably because Day 20 is quickly approaching.”

Geoff gave Austin Bob one final look before turning his attention to Ajax, “So, would it be fair to say that everyone is starting to think about the end of this Tournament?”

All the Adventurers nodded their head. Ana said, “Honestly, at this point, I think it would be foolish to not think about who you want to have next to you at the end.”

Ajax added, “Yes, the complicated part is making sure you can make it happen. Having the votes, having Protection, there are so many things which can complicate the plans.”

Geoff added, “Yes, including Godsends and Advantages.”

Ajax responded, “Exactly, like we saw today, the Advantage Ixora played was both unexpected and played a major role in determining who had the opportunity to compete in the second stage, even if it didn’t give her the win.”

Ixora added, “More like a major role in me getting badly injured.”

Geoff nodded his head, “So, is it reasonable to assume that everyone, other than Vikky, is concerned about getting voted out?”

All the Adventurers other than Vikky nodded their heads.

There were several seconds of silence before Ixora said, “Can we just vote now, I feel like we covered everything.”

Geoff looked at the group, who nodded that they were ready to vote.

“Alright then, it is time to vote. Ana, you are up.”

After each Adventurer cast their vote, Geoff collected the voting box.

“Alright, another fascinating Assembly, I’ll count the votes.”

Godsend from Neptsyra, the Spirit God of Fire
Godsend from Neptsyra, the Spirit God of Fire

“Wait!” Ajax shouts as he stands up and walks over to Geoff, “I found this on our Island on Day 11 while foraging the woods for fruit.” Ajax proceeded to hand Geoff a golden amulet with a bright red ruby at its center.

Geoff held the amulet up for all to see after closely investigating it. “This… is a Godsend. It is a Godsend from Neptsyra, the Spirit God of Fire. It provides whoever wears it the ability to resist damage from fire and may be used for Protection from the Vote. Votes for Ajax will not count.” Austin Bob and Ana gave each other a concerned look. Vikky remained sitting upright with a calm, content look on her face.

Godsend from Ahurani, the Spirit God of Beauty
Godsend from Ahurani, the Spirit God of Beauty

“Last day I can play this, might as well since Ajax played one,” Austin Bob said as he jogged to Geoff and handed him a golden amulet with a yellow sapphire at its center.

Geoff held the amulet up for all to see after closely investigating it. “This… is a Godsend. It is a Godsend from Ahurani, the Spirit God of Beauty. It enhances the charisma and of whoever wears it and may be used for Protection from the Vote. Votes for Austin Bob will not count.”

“Alright, I’ll count the votes.” Geoff pulled the first vote:


“Does not count.”

Geoff pulled a second Vote and read it aloud:


“Does not count.”

Ajax sighed in relief and then smiled.

Geoff then pulled another vote:


“Does not count.”

Geoff read the next vote:

Austin Bob

“Does not count.”

“There is one vote remaining, so far, no one has any votes against them.”

Geoff read the final vote:


“Ixora, you have received the most votes, bring me your Urn.”

Vikky angrily stared at Austin Bob, then Ana.

Ixora stood up, wincing in pain as she walked over to Geoff and gently placed her Urn on the pedestal. She then turned to Ajax and said “Took two Godsends to get me out, not too bad.”

Geoff smiled for a moment before continuing. “Ixora, we are in the individual portion of the Tournament, which means Trial by Combat in the Forsaken Arena is in play. Would you like to do battle against a powerful creature for a chance to stay in the game or will you accept the vote, be eliminated from the game and join the Council of Judgment, granting you the power to vote for the winner of Tournament? Bear in mind that if you die in the Forsaken Arena, you will not be revived. Should you win, you will be partially rejuvenated, may receive one or more Prizes and return to the game. We would hold an immediate revote upon your return and no votes may be cast against you during that revote.”

”I absolutely would not, Geoff, I’ll join the Council.”

Geoff nodded in acknowledgment, “Ixora, your decision is final. The die has been cast. Your adventure ends here.”

Ixora's reshattered Urn
Ixora’s reshattered Urn

Geoff shattered the Urn with a forceful swing. Ana waved at Ixora with a smile, Ixora looked back with a neutral expression and walked away.

“Another exhilarating Party Assembly. Head on back to Camp to get some rest, you will need it for tomorrow.” The four remaining Adventurers groaned at Geoff’s comment before gathering their things and heading out of the Assembly Hall.

The Adventurers slowly made their way to Camp. Upon reaching Camp, Vikky announced that she will be sitting by herself at the beach for a little bit before joining the others around the fire.  Ana, Ajax and Austin Bob restarted the Camp fire and quietly sat beside it as they each thought about how they would like the last four days of the Tournament to play out.

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